Thursday, November 19


My Latest Addiction: H&M FASHION STUDIO

While everyone is caught up in Farmville, I'm glued to my computer screen playing around with H&M's fashion studio. Pretty much, you choose a model and dress her up in tons of H&M. It's so detailed from her hairstyle to her jewelry and even her underwear! Addicting is not even the wordddd.



Isn't she a beau?? She's the only brown girl they had. I'm so unintentionally racist. I've been that way since I was like 4. I always wanted the black barbies hahaha

I could def do this for the rest of my life. I mean, styling people. Not styling a computerized model.

That would be....SAD lol

Tun-yuh Mo-reeeee <----lololol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tonya you CRAP me up and thank you for giving ME a new addiction. as if my obsession with Forever 21's site wasn't enough!! and don't get me started on the black barbies. I had everyone imaginable, including the special edition Jamaican one. I was vain though cuz black barbie's actual name is Christie! baahahahahaha :D