I want to go camping
gah, i need something new in my life
i have alot of money right now....and i dont know what to myself lol
why did drake make a video for "over"
i want a bubble machine!
so i'm looking for one on ebay
eugene is the best dressed person i know
today was awful, but atleast i looked good ;)
i packed on alot of makeup today
men will be men, but i play the game just like a man
i should be doing my humanities honor project, but im writing this ish
i feel so disconnected from everything right about now. like, i'm not interested in anything i used to be interested in. don't even have the same feelings towards the people in my life anymore. alot of my relationships are broken and i'm not trying to fix them....but how about i dont care? which seems odd and a bit selfish, but yet such a relief. and like, i cant even say something is wrong with me. because there really isn't. this sense of carelessness has just overcome me and it feels damn good.
on the other hand, i want to get married. not necessarily in love. i just wanna be able to say i'm married. that's all.
hope you're up on my tumblr: estheticpleasure.tumblr.com ;)
First, I can't believe you wrote "1" to end your post. that was hilarious lol
Second, I love you.
Third, I hope to see you this weekend. Smile and find the joy in your life :)
you know what's crazy? i feel a tad bit disconnected as well and have this creeping "i don't give a shit" feeling. So odd. And as much as I hate money, sadly I could use more of it right now. sigh, let's just hope we're in a transitional phase that's gonna take us somewhere better.
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